Chapter 17: King

“What’s happening?” Marinah asks.

“Don’t move at all,” Beck tells her.

Pain explodes at their voices and Beast gains another inch of my control. With unwavering concentration, I force my bones to reknit, the K-5 to recede, and my eyesight to readjust. Minute by minute the pain lessens and my human side gains ground. Beast gives a last internal grumble and pulls back. My teenage struggles with Beast were never this difficult.

After what seems like an eternity, I’m able to draw oxygen into my lungs and think clearly.

“See her back to her room,” I grind out as soon as I can speak with some semblance of control.

Beck hurriedly steps out of my path as I head for the door. I don’t look back, needing to place as much distance between myself and the woman as possible. Why the hell does she challenge Beast? Something about Marinah is dangerous and the animal knows it.