Chapter 24: Marinah

The walls of my room close in on me.

I use every breathing technique I have—counting by threes, fours, and sevens and nothing seems to help. Five minutes after entering my claustrophobic room and working on my breathing, a hysterical burst of laughter leaves my throat.

I’ve literally survived the zombie apocalypse.

The laughter turns to tears. Our government did this. Scientists said the earth was heating at an unnatural rate. They also said GMOs were safe. They got it half right. The group of protesters I hung with in college had a hard-on for Monsanto, but we were equal opportunity marchers and went after DuPont, Bayer, Dow, and BASF who practiced the same hidden techniques to keep the population ignorant of what they were doing. All we wanted was transparency. You would think we were asking them to stop their business completely. Labeling food was our objective. Allow the people to decide was our motto.