Chapter 53: Marinah

The tell-tale signs of King’s beast darken his eyes. “I touch you every day,” he says stubbornly.

I must make him understand. “You kiss me, you hold my hand, you beat the shit out of me. I’m talking about sex. Are male Warriors deformed or something?”

His lips quirk with humor. I saw him naked once and I know there is absolutely nothing wrong downstairs. “I was waiting for you to beg,” he tosses out to irritate me.

A few seconds pass before I realize he’s joking. I’m done with jokes, evasion, and living a celibate life. “King. Make love to me.” It’s a demand that I could never have made before I discovered my power as a Warrior. I can’t take having him around me another minute without a deeper connection. And I mean that to include ever bad pun imaginable.

He takes a few seconds to contemplate my words before answering. “Now?” he asks calmly. “Or would you prefer to be wined and dined first?”