Chapter 58: King

We’ve had too many meetings over the past three days and it’s driving me crazy. Marinah has entirely too much information added to the stress of returning to the Federation, and she’s on edge. This is never good for a new Warrior.

“That’s it,” I say to the men sitting at the table. I take Marinah’s hand and kiss the backs of her fingers. “We’re done.”

“But we need more preparation for when they interrogate her,” Beck says to me as Marinah and I retreat.

I glance over my shoulder. “If worse comes to worse, her beast will eat them. Enough!” With that, we leave the room. Marinah’s soft laughter makes me smile.

“It must be nice to be king.”

I cock an eyebrow when I glance at her smiling face. “Says my queen.”

She swings my hand like a child. “That has a nice ring to it.”

“You’re a liar. If one of them called you queen, you would take their head off.”