Finally, something to kill. It makes Ms. Beast very happy. With the Mortuary sword held high, I go after a hellhound larger than the ones we see on the island. And fresher. I dont stop to think about what this creature really is. It wants me dead, and thats enough for me to end its existence. Toxic saliva drips from razor teeth. Creepy, intelligent eyes dont blink when it charges. Sword held in my massive claws as Ive been trained, I swing. A large spray of blood covers me, and the hounds head sails through the air until it hits a tree with a loud, wet smack.
Yes, I cheer at the same time spinning to see what else needs to die.
Kill, Ms. Beast yells into my head when the first person I spot is Garret. I lift my sword higher, and Im almost on him when Axels clawed hand grabs my arm. Marinah! he shouts.