Chapter 94: Marinah

It’s unfair and not getting my way turns me peevish. I was a very spoiled child throughout my formative years. It taught me to use tears and plain old stubbornness to get what I wanted. Usually it worked. Unfortunately, I don’t feel my sad, moping eyes popping from my Shadow Warrior head do the trick this time.

I do need rest, and I have guard duty tonight. King assigned the duty to me to avoid another tantrum. Smart man. I’m almost asleep when I overhear Labyrinth whisper to Beck, “What, no temper tantrum because she isn’t getting her way and luring the Federation out?”

Beck’s reply is priceless. “She’s right, and our mighty leader is wrong. She knows she’ll get her way.”

I smile against King’s chest. “Don’t get any ideas,” he mumbles sleepily.