Chapter 101: King

It’s late, or more precisely early morning, when we return, and Marinah’s sleeping. We scoured the city for signs of Smythe without success. The current storm raging inside me isn’t good. I want my hands around the man’s throat, and until it happens, I won’t rest easy. I slide in beside my mate and pull her close. She rolls in against me out of habit. She mumbles something in her sleep, and she’s out again. I’m unsure if she woke at all.

My brain is too restless to shut down right now.

“They come at night.” It’s said with the prisoner’s gruff voice.

I turn and look at him. Our attempts at retrieving information from his messed-up head has been a bust so far. His answers are crazy blabbering gibberish. I have no idea how he stayed alive this long. He’s a danger to himself and others. Killing him will be merciful. He can’t possibly survive here alone much longer, and I don’t see a way to take him back to the outposts. He’s too unstable.