Chapter 125: King

“We have a submarine?” I question Nokita who just let us in on his little secret.

“We may have a submarine. It’s not operational right now,” he explains. “Three things need to work so we can breathe below the surface. Replenishing the oxygen first, releasing the carbon dioxide second, and removing the moisture we exhale last.” He shrugs. “It’s complicated.”

Marinah breaks into our discussion, “How long will it take to be operational?”

“If it’s operational, two weeks. I need parts.”

“Are there other toys you want to share?” Marinah inquires.

Nokita is not enjoying his time in the spotlight while Marinah drills him. I never realized how fun it is looking at things from the outside while someone else leads. I cross my arms and relax somewhat.

“We have a quad mini-sub that is seaworthy once the scrubber is fixed,” he says. “That should take a couple of days at most.”

“What about an update on land vehicles?” she fires at him next.