Chapter 134: Marinah

A shadow falls over me, and I look into King’s huge jaws. “You need to shift. I’ll loosen your straps.” His clawed hands are slightly clumsy when he unfastens the buckles. He runs a sharp claw along the bare skin on my back when finished. “One kiss and we’ll take up where we leave off when this is over.”

He says it like we’re going on an excursion through the park. I appreciate the light comment. I’m wound up so tight, I don’t think I can breathe. Now he wants a kiss and I can’t think of anything more delicious. I morph in his arms, growing in height, expanding in girth, and turning a flavor of ugly only a mate can appreciate. With my fangs in the way, I kiss him because he loves me in whatever form I take, and I love him.

My radio spits, “The artillery on the ships is keeping our planes back, but they’ve got one crippled ship so I’m changing the plan if my alpha approves. I’m tracking the sub and want to take it out.”