Chapter 137: King

Seven Warriors lost their lives. We have several humans in uncertain condition but so far none have died. I locate the wives of two of the men. They know their mates are dead, but I want them to understand as the wife of a Shadow Warrior, they will be cared for. The looks on their faces say it all. There is nothing comforting about death.

“Will it ever end?” I think to myself after leaving.

I don’t have answers. When we came to the island, our plan was to take over for a short time. The people put up little resistance. Starved and short on medical supplies, they needed us as much as we needed them. Once the world was settled, we would give the island back to its people. On days like today, I don’t see it happening.

Beck finds me as soon as I return to the citadel. “We have a problem at the shipyard, and Nokita is asking for you.”

Of course we have a problem at the shipyard. I change course.