Chapter 141: King: The Island (Cuba)

I head to the training field and beat up on all comers for the next two hours. My men look at me in fear by the time I’m through. I’m going to be a father and I should be ecstatic. All I feel is fear, and it’s not something I’m accustomed to. Strangling my mate might help.

A baby.

We could have lost our child before I knew about him or her.

My thoughts return to strangulation.

My men practically fall to the ground when I head back to my room to shower. Thankfully, Marinah found another place to be. I need time before I deal with her. I shower, dress in fresh clothes, and I leave the room.

Labyrinth’s body is in his quarters. His funeral will be tonight along with the Shadow Warriors lost in the Federation’s attack. Beck, Nokita, Cabel, and Alden stand outside Labyrinth’s door, their faces somber.