A Date Maybe?

"Why are you staring at me like that?" I asked.

Yamazuki was standing in front of the cafe, her arms crossed. She had a stern look on her face and was giving me a murderous look.

Yamazuki told me to go to the closest cafe to the school. I actually found it but, it took a while to do so.

Actually, I was thinking about not going there at first. But changed my mind since she was my classmate and I didn't want to get things awkward in the class. Even though, I think things might get a bit awkward in the cafe later.

"It's been literally 30 minutes! Why are you late?" She yelled.

She was waiting for me for 30 minutes? That's impressive. If it was me, I would've left after 5 minutes.

"I am new around here, you know, and there wasn't any way to contact you either," I replied.

"Ugh, fine," she said, "I wasn't able to hang out with my friends because of you."

"It wasn't my fault though. You're the one who asked me on a date." I replied.

"Date? Are you out of your mind?" She yelled.

I stayed silent and went inside the cafe.

"Oi, wait for me!"

The cafe wasn't that fancy but it wasn't bad at all. There were several students from our school in the cafe. Some were hanging out with their friends, some were on dates.

I was worried about the money. But since the cafe wasn't that fancy, I felt a bit relieved. I sat on a chair beside the window and put my bag on another chair next to mine, Yamazuki sat in front of me.

"So what is it?" I asked.


She looked totally distracted. She was talking with me while looking around the cafe. It seemed like she didn't come here that often.

"Do you want to order something?" She asked.

"A cup of coffee would be okay," I replied.

Her eyes immediately brighten up as soon as I replied. It seemed like that she was waiting for me to say that.

"Ok, I am going to order this Ice-cream," she called a waiter.

The order arrived pretty quickly. The coffee was boiling hot and they also gave a piece of chocolate with it.

On the other hand, Yamazuki immediately started munching down her ice cream as soon as it came. Surprisingly, she didn't get a brain freeze.

"So, why did you call me here?" I asked while taking a sip from the coffee.

"Hmm? Oh, let me finish this thing first."

By looking at the way she was eating the ice cream, it was pretty obvious that she liked it more than anything. But I asked her anyway,

"You really like that ice cream, don't you?"

"Yeah, you can say that. I might get kidnapped if someone offered me this ice cream for free."

"So, if I-"

"No." She immediately replied, without letting me finish my sentence."I know what you were going to say."

At least let me finish my sentence, goddamn it.

After she finished brutally devouring the ice cream. She looked at me and started asking various questions and I went along with her.

"When did you first meet Fumiko-chan?"

"4 days ago, on my first day at this school."

"Did something happen between you two?" She asked.

I was expecting this type of question as soon as she asked a question about Fuchizawa.

"As long as I can remember, no. Nothing happened."

"You're lying."

"You can tell? Impressive." I replied.

"So, what happened?" She asked.

"Nothing." I took another sip from my coffee. Not gonna lie, the coffee was very good.

"What?! I just caught you lying."

"You didn't."

"You just said my lie-detecting skill was amazing."

"I lied."

I think I just broke her brain.

"Can't you just say something directly?" She almost yelled at me.

"Sorry, did I break your brain?"

She didn't reply and kept silent. Since there was no reason for me to stay there any longer. I decided to go home.

"If you don't have anything else to say then I am out. See you tomorrow." I said.

"I am not finished yet."

"Go ahead."

I again sat on the chair, waiting for Yamazuki to say something.

"So, if you haven't done anything to Fumiko-chan then why did she request me to let you join our group?" She said it with a calm voice. She almost yelled at me a moment ago which attracted some students' attention.

"She did what?"

I wasn't expecting that. It was a sudden thing to ask. I've never once asked Fuchizawa to let me join their group. Not even indirectly. I tried to clear my mind.

"She wants you to join our group. Did you threaten her or something?"

"I think I am the least threatening person after Yamado," I replied.

"How do you know his name?"

"Does it matter?"

"Anyway, I gotta go. I wish I could continue this date longer but I have some stuffs to do at home." I stood up and picked up my backpack.

"Stop using the word 'Date'! You know it's not one, right?"

"Oh, I really hoped it was a date."

I was walking out of the cafe but stopped. I turned around and said,

"By the way, I don't have any money. Please pay the bills."

With that, I left the cafe and started thinking about the conversation I and Yamazuki had. It was pretty clear that my dad was behind this.

Damn that father. So that's what he meant when he said I was going to make friends even if I didn't want to. At first, me and Fuchizawa too? This man is the psychopath himself.

That also affects my theory about the last day. My father somehow contacted Fuchizawa and told her something about me which made her terrified. My father probably told her to make friends with me for some reason. There was definitely some reason behind this because I know my father too well. He won't do any without any reason.

But poor Fumiko Fuchizawa rushed things and exposed my father's plan. You chose the wrong person as your pawn, you damn father.

With these types of thoughts in my mind, I was walking on my way home. Then suddenly a girly voice yelled my name from behind.

"Oi! Kaname-kun."