I Was Wrong?

"Bully? What do you mean?" Said Yamado, making a face of slight confusion and there was a bit of anger in it. Which wasn't expected.

"What? He didn't bully you?" I asked. If Yamamoto Koji did not bully him, then how did Yamado know about him?

I was supposed to meet Yamado after school. He waited for me, but he was not alone. Those people, I mean Ishizaki, and the other guys were there too. Yamado was on his phone, as usual. Now, we are walking behind Ishizaki and the others and talking. Even if I didn't have to talk with Yamado, I'd still walk behind them.

"No!" Yamado said in a high voice, which was obviously unusual for him since he always talks in a low voice. He was trying to stand up for him.

"Then, how do you know about him?" I asked.

"Uh… He's a good guy, you know. He once saved me from the bullies." He said while putting his phone inside his right pocket. It gave me some hints that he was going to tell me a long story.

"I don't think I have told you yet that I often get bullied. Because of my looks and my personality."

He took a brief break.

"Thanks to Yamamoto-kun, they stopped now. At least a little… haha."

"What did he do?"

"Well… He just told them to stop. That's it, haha."

He just told them to stop, and they listened? That's odd.

"How do you know about Yamamoto-san?" Yamado asked.

I was kind of expecting this type of question from him. I just got transferred here and yet know some people's names despite not interacting with them at all.

"I just run into him yesterday. He mentioned your name once, that's why I asked you." I replied.

"I see," Yamado replied as he took out his phone out of his pocket. It seemed like he was done talking with me.

I talked with Minase at lunchtime and it turned out that Yamado wasn't his cousin, like I assumed. I didn't ask why he was 'protecting' Yamado, but I could assume that he had some personal reasons for it. It was kind of expected since this assumption didn't have that solid base. But Yamamoto, not being his bully, was very unexpected.

"It looks like we have two loners now," Yamazuki smirked while looking at us.

I think she completely forgot about my clothes and hers. There is a chance that she threw away my clothes into the abyss.

"Don't talk to him like that, Yuki." Said Fuchizawa, twirling her hair.

At least someone stood up for me this time. Thanks, Fuchizawa.

"Yamado, can you please tell me the name of the bullies?" I asked Yamado. I kind of wanted to see what type of behavior they had.

"Uhh… sure. But why?" He asked.

I didn't answer his question. I walked past him while putting my earphones on. Music helps my brain to calm down.

***The Next Day***

Our math teacher just left the classroom, and the entire class was pretty noisy. They had 10 minutes break till the next class started, so they spend it talking with others. Yamazuki was also doing the same. Her seat was on the opposite side of mine. Several girls were surrounding her, I could barely see her face. She was talking with all the girls who were surrounding her. Yamazuki seemed to be a social butterfly and was pretty popular among both girls and boys. I can't call her a school idol yet since she was only popular in my class.

I decided to call her. If I waited too long for them to leave her alone, which I don't think they would, the next class might start and I won't be able to do the thing I wanted to do.

"Yamazuki," I called her.

"Hmm? What is it?" She replied while putting the notebook inside her backpack. Her friends stared at me for a while, then one of them asked Yamazuki, "You know him, Yamazuki-san?"

"Oh yeah, he's a friend of mine." She replied as she came towards me.

"You forgot about your uniform?" I asked.

"Oh, I completely forgot about that." She said while scratching the back of her long blonde hair.

"Did you bring mine?" The answer was pretty obvious, but I still asked.

"No… I'll bring them tomorrow, I promise."

"Whatever, here you go." I gave the uniform to her.

"Oh, you washed it too. Thanks." With that, she was walking towards her seat, but I stopped her.

"Yamazuki, can you do me a favour?" I asked. There was something I needed to do.

"Hmm? What is it?" She turned around.

"I'll tell you later. I have to go now." With that, I left the classroom.

I could still hear what Yamazuki was talking about with the girls. They were asking about the uniform I had given her. The conversation was turning kind of awkward to hear, so I walked towards class I-D.

I found those two people I was searching for. They were standing in the hallway drinking juice. I went past them, hitting one of the guy's shoulder with mine.

"Oi, watch where you going dumbass." He yelled.

"You were the one who was standing in my way." I stopped and looked back.

"What d'ya say?" He again yelled, throwing the juice can at the trash can, which completely missed.

"It was nothing, forget about it." I continued to walk as I murmured, "What an asshole…"

All of a sudden, he grabbed me by my collar.

"Come again?"

"Let me go," I said.

"Take back what ya just said."

"Me taking that back won't change the fact that you're an asshole." As soon as I said that, I found a fist coming straight towards my face. I quickly took out my left hand from my pocket and blocked the punch. I also moved my head just to the right side, since I wasn't sure if my hand was strong enough to block it. It did, fortunately.

His grip was loosened when he attacked me. So, I was able to remove his hand from my collar.

"I don't want to fight, dude," I said while taking a step back from him.

But he didn't listen to me. He threw another punch at me from the left side. I tried to dodge the attack but I failed. My glasses went flying, and I got a scratch on the left side of my left eye. I couldn't see the attack coming properly. My left side was weak since my right hand was dominant.

I looked at my glasses, which were lying on the floor. One of its handles was broken.

"There are CCTVs here, you know?" "Let's settle this matter later," I said.

"Hah, whatever," He said. There was another guy who was staring at me.

He came close to my face and whispered in my ears, "If he found this out, you're gonna get yourself killed."