What Are They Doing There?

The class hadn't started yet. I was staring outside the window while thinking about last night. My dad sent me Okabe Tadao and Arata Tetsuo's personal informations through email, at midnight. I barely got any sleep that night and I had to go to school the next day early in the morning. If anyone took a good look at me, they'll notice those slight eye bags which were appearing under my eyes. I was in a bad mood because of that.

One of many things I had noticed weird about this school was that they weren't taking any actions against the students or confronting them despite knowing their faulty actions. It's kinda like they didn't want to let them know they had their informations. Which was pretty suspicious. The students were ignorant of the fact that the school 'somehow' had a lot of informations about them.

There would've been no reason at all for not taking action against them if the parents knew about this. But since they weren't taking any actions, there was a high chance that they were doing all of these in secret. Which is pretty risky, actually. They might get in some serious trouble if someone sued them.

While having all these thoughts, I saw Yamazuki entering the classroom, which again ruined my mood. I dragged her into this shit for some stupid reason where I could've just asked my dad for it. It also kind of destroyed my relationship with Yamazuki. It's not like I was her friend. Even so, the awkwardness was killing me. I think I got demoted from an acquaintance to a stranger.

Yamazuki took a look at me and quickly averted her eyes when our eyes met.

Mann, now this is awkward.

Yamazuki put her bag on her desk and walked outside, where her friends were talking. Yamazuki was wearing a full sleeve blazer and a short skirt.

Now when I think about it, Yamazuki had always worn long sleeves. She rarely wore a short-sleeve shirt. Even on that sunny day, she was wearing a full sleeve shirt. Was she feeling cold? Or was it because she didn't like showing her skin that much? No, that wasn't the answer. She wouldn't have worn a short skirt if that was the reason. Maybe I was looking into it too much and, most importantly, why was I thinking about this?

Mann, I should've slept last night.

I took out my phone from my right pocket and my earphones. I thought listening to some songs would make my brain calm. It did work, but it also made me fall asleep in class. Which I didn't want at all.

I was later woken up by my classmate, who happened to sit right next to me. Sakura-sensei didn't look very pleased with me. She told me to go to the washroom to wash my face. With plenty of embarrassment inside, I left the classroom.

I washed my face and stood there for a while, to clear up my mind. As I left the washroom, I peeked out of the window, which was right outside the washroom. You could see the busy main street, several shops, and people who were on their way to work. The window had no window doors; the breeze was blowing through it, crashing into my face.

While looking outside the window, I, for some reason, looked down and saw two students down there. They had something between their fingers which was making smoke. Since the place they were standing on was at the back of the school, it was an empty place. You could've easily jumped out of school from there if the walls weren't that big. Those two dudes seemed familiar.

Are they smoking?

I couldn't resist my curiosity, but I couldn't just walk over there. I needed an excuse. If I went there for no specific reason, I might get punished and get a call from my dad to talk nonsense about my actions.

I walked to the classroom while grabbing onto my belly to act like I had a stomachache. This was the best excuse I could've thought of at that moment. I didn't know if the teacher would see through my actions, but it was still worth trying.

I stood in front of the classroom door, looked at Sakura-sensei, and made a wrinkled face to act like I was in pain. I said, "Sensei, I think I have a stomachache."

"Since you said ''I think'' that means you aren't sure about your stomach ache. Sit down, it'll just go away," she replied.

"But, it's hurting a lot sensei."

She stared at me for a moment, then said, "Ok, go take some medicines from the infirmary. Make sure to come back soon. Exams are coming, so I wouldn't want you to miss some important classes."

I started walking toward the stairs with a frown on my face. The way she said that, did she know something? I was pretty sure I saw some dude side talking and stuffs when I was leaving the classroom. She didn't even tell them to concentrate on the class. I'd never seen her commenting on a student's behavior in class. It was pretty unexpected for a person like her to say something like this to me.

I was lost in thoughts as I walked downstairs.