Death sentence

"That's not helping. You're using my situation to your advantage." She whispered harshly to the man who was causing her blood to boil. "You don't have any right to insinuate that there was something between us." Founding herself in a very complicated situation.

She was sure that many people saw the stunt that he just pulled. Kissing her in front of all the guests. She could not wait for the scrutiny that would follow this little show that they managed to display.

She also hated herself for allowing it to happen. She could have pushed him and slapped him. Instead, she just let him kissed her. But not just that, she felt herself melting to that kiss. A few seconds more, she was sure that she was about to respond.

If she was being honest, she was also glad to see Nick's expression after that kiss. It was clear that he was not happy with what just happened. For the first time, she felt good to see Nick squirmed uncomfortably in his place and out of words.

"From the way I see it, you were drowning in there. I just gave you a lifeline." He arrogantly stated as he stood his ground in front of her.

He saw an opportunity and he was not going to let it pass. He just discovered one of her weaknesses that he could explore and use to his benefit. And he would use all his cards to make her see that he could help her if she would only accept the deal.

Besides, he knew that she also liked the kiss. He felt it as her lips accepted his and the way her body submitted to his advances. If he did not stop, which he wished he did not have to, kissing was not the only thing they would be doing.

"Excuse me. I was perfectly fine. I could handle him and I don't need you to save me." She could not believe how conceited this man was. Thinking that she needed him to rescue her.

Although he was right, at that moment, she was already at the point of breaking. If he did not kiss her, she might have made a scene. Nick knew exactly how to push her buttons and she might have reacted badly to that situation.

"Are you sure? That's not how I saw it. Anyway, admit it. You loved the way he was fuming with our little display." He could see that she was starting to see his point of view from the way her facial expression changed.

"Ok. You're right, it was fun to wipe out that smug look on his face. Still, you can't kiss me anytime you feel like doing it." She could not help but concede to his assessment. Her earlier irritation with the man in front of him started dissipating.

"Ok. Noted. I'll try to ask permission before I kiss you next time." He jokingly said, glad that she was finally being amicable. "Before you go bat crazy on me again, will you hear me out first?"

He knew that this was the perfect opportunity to put his idea across while she was being receptive to him.

"If it is about the contract, I'm not signing it." She knew where this conversation was going and she had no interest to talk about it.

"Why not? If you will agree to pretend as my girlfriend. We could help each other out. I'm willing to submit myself to your every need. Use me as you saw fit." He had to find the right words to convince her. He knew he was grasping for straws, but he had to find a way to make her agree.

When he received an invitation to this prestigious event, he knew that this was his break he was waiting for. She had been avoiding him since he gave her the contract. He knew that he had to corner her now because he was running out of time.

"Why are you so eager to get me to agree to this?" She asked, finally curiosity getting the best of her. She could finally see that this was not just a game to him. She could read some form of desperation in his eyes.

"If you will have dinner with me tomorrow night, I will be more than willing to tell you everything." He offered. "For tonight, why don't we just try if we can be a couple."

"Are you suggesting a trial run?" She looked at him incredulously. As if she thought he was going out of his mind. But when she looked closely at him, she knew he was dead serious this time.

"Yeah, why not? Check if you think you can also benefit from this fake relationship. I will even let you name your conditions." He knew that he could not mess this up this time.

He knew he was making progress when he saw a glimpse of interest in her eyes. He was sure a few more convincing and she would finally give in to his plans.

"I don't know. Your plans still seemed sketchy." She was not sure why she was even considering this.

She looked back at the crowd and the people they left behind. She knew that Nick was not finished with her. He was cooking another of his schemes against her. She knew that his appearance at this event was only the beginning. He was not here to make friends. That she was certain.

She looked at him, deeply in thought. If she was going to use logic in this situation, she would have agreed to this easily. It was not as if she was marrying him. On the contrary, she could see a lot of benefits from this agreement.

However, there was one thing that was holding her back. She was afraid of the way her body was reacting to his presence. She could not deny the attraction she had for him. He, on the other hand, was very vocal about it. She was not sure if she could control whatever it was between them.

"What do you say? Want to give it a try." He carefully studied her reaction, crossing his fingers in his mind. Hoping that she would finally agree.

If he could not manage to convince her by tomorrow, he had to find another girl who would agree to this setup of his. He was running out of time, the last option, which was marrying according to his father's wishes, was not an alternative but a death sentence.