Sex without attachment

"Oh! You look fantastic." She told Jacky, who was going out again with Marcus tonight.

Until now, she was still wondering what was their relationship status. They went out on occasion, she came back in the morning, but she claimed that they were not a couple.

"Oh, I'm not looking for fantastic. I want hot, desirable." Jacky corrected her. "I want Marcus to drool over me during dinner. I want him all over me before the night is over."

She certainly looked hot and desirable. She sometimes wished she could be as daring as Jacky when it came to her sexuality. Casual sex without commitment. Without the worries of being attached. She wished she could be as vocal as her friend about what she wanted and needed.

The only time that she dared to do that was more than a year ago, but she believed she could not do that again. Not after that night.