No room for love

"Unfortunately, no one taught me. I learned to cook by myself during my college years. I find it relaxing when I am slaving away in the kitchen after a tedious day at school." He told her as he placed the final touch on his masterpiece on the counter. 

He presented her with some of his favorites. He was certainly doing this to impress her with his culinary skills. At least he hoped that it would matter to her, most girls were amazed if a man can cook. Then again, she was no ordinary girl.

It would take probably a lot before he could impress her, but he would certainly try. He was not a man who easily gave up when the going got tough. On the contrary, it motivated him more.

"For starter, prawn and avocado cocktail." He placed two glasses on the table with a beautifully designed, perfectly cooked prawn on top of the avocado fusion. Before sitting in his place on the other side.