An arrangement

"I think the deal will surely push through. With a little more incentive and persuasion, Mr. Enriquez will certainly sell his shares to you in no time." David announced to the group.

"He is a fool if he thinks he can get a better deal from someone else. Alex already gave more than what his shares cost in that company." Marcus also pointed out.

"Why are you so adamant in buying shares in this company, anyway?" Evan questioned his true intention.

"It is a good investment. You might not see it now, but eventually, it will pay off. Just make sure that no one will be able to trace that I am the one buying the shares." He instructed all that was present in the meeting.

"I guess that concludes the meeting. Thank you, gentlemen, for your time." David dismissed the rest of the people involved in the meeting, leaving just him, Evan, Marcus, and Alex in the conference room.