Worth all the sacrifice

"I am an only child as far as I know." That was not a lie. Jacky was only omitting some of the details. "But I consider Dani as my sister and Andy as my brother, although we are not blood-related." Besides, she did not plan to lie to him. If he asked for more information, she would gladly tell him.

She would also like to test her theory a bit further. But she had no idea how she should play it. Well, it was the first time that she was trying to be hard to get.

Suddenly, a beeping sound interrupted their conversation. He knew right away that it was his, but still, both of them look at their phones to be sure.

Jacky's screen remained off while his phone indicated a message. He checked it out, knowing already what the message would be. As predicted, it was an urgent message from the hospital. One of the duty interns was asking him to come in for an emergency.