A rare gem

"But you don't even know me. I can be a serial killer or a gold digger." She tried to dissuade him from his plans to pursue her.

"Are you? But I highly doubt it." He stared at her as if he was reading her expression.

"I'm not, but I can still be a terrible person that you should not associate yourself with, and besides, you should not be too trusting." She insisted as she thought of what she had done to him.

"I know we all have a back story that we are not comfortable to say on the first few dates. But I know if you will only give us a chance to tell our stories, then maybe we might end up liking each other more." Sebastian was hopeful that he was able to persuade her.

From the way she looked at him earlier, he could already tell that she was about to end whatever they had when it hardly even started.