Broken heart and a lonely soul

They fell into a comfortable conversation as if they were back to the time they first met. The awkwardness slowly dissipated but was not completely gone, but at least more tolerable than earlier.

"It had been more or less the same," Jacky answered his question of how she had been since they last saw each other. "Nothing much did happen. Work is still the same."

She assumed that was what he wanted to know. But what else could she tell him when her life was not as glamorous or adventurous as his. Nothing exciting had happened to her except dating Sebastian.

But should she tell him about him when that topic was not even relevant to their conversation? Anyway, she was sure that listening about her love life was the last thing he would like to do. 

"Oh. I would think that a girl like you will always have something fun and exciting to do." Lance stated, studying the girl that sat across from him.