Between two options

Dani told him what was bothering her, but only in a whisper, not wanting to wake him up if it turned out that he was already sleeping. Saying it out loud and hearing it coming from her voice suddenly made the impact much intense than she felt before.

She felt a tear drop down her cheeks without any warning. The brave front she had been wearing the entire ride home had finally crumbled to pieces. She could not stop the flood gates from bursting anymore as she buried her face back on his chest.

"I'm afraid of what is going to happen to him." She said between her sobs as she remembered her mother's defeated expression.

She comforted her mom, showing her that they could be strong amid their fear. But she was not sure if she believed what she said to her mom. In truth, she was not that confident.

She suddenly regretted their fights. The time that she had spent away from her family. She wanted the lost time that she wasted being mad at her father.