Just an illusion

"Alex, I had been looking for you. Some investors wish to talk to you." Marcus reached their location and invited Alex to join them.

He entertained some of their guests, and after explaining their new projects, they seemed to be showing some interest. Now, they wished to meet the head of their company and host of the evening.

"You seem to be alone. Where is your date?" Alex asked, noticing that his friend had been flying solo since he arrived.

He wondered if his date decided not to show up or had an emergency. He was not used to seeing him with no woman in his arms. Maybe she dumped him even before they reached the party.

"Nah, I decided to come alone this time." Marcus expected the disbelieving reaction from his friend after that statement.

Who would think that the great Marcus would have no date on one of the grandest events of their company? Well, he could not believe it himself. But so far, he found the experience different.