Only talk

"You know you don't have to bring me home. I could have just grabbed a taxi." Jacky said to him at the back of the black limousine that was taking her home.

She decided that it was time to leave the happy couple for their new adventure. She said her goodbyes but did not expect that Lance would come along with her.

He insisted on taking her home, even though she refused to accept his offer. She did not want to waste any more of his time. The ball was over, and her time was up. She should slip away before the clock turned twelve.

"You know I can't do that, Jacky. I will make sure that I return you to your home safely." Lance, who was sitting close beside her, turned to her and took her hands in his.

He could sense that she was ready to bolt again, unsure if it had something to do with him or something else. He did notice Marcus occasionally looking at her.