A different kind of makeover

"Wow! This time you look like a princess." Jacky excitedly giggled when she went out of the changing room to look at her friend.

Dani walked to the small stage where three huge mirrors stood around it. Jacky could see how lovely she was in her beautiful white gown. The only missing now was the veil.

"It is not yet done since we are still going to add up a few more details." Abby, the designer, explained to both of them. But she could already see her creation coming to life.

She could not wait to see it completed, worn by one of the most beautiful women in the world, as she walked down the aisle to meet the man of her dreams.

She had done a lot of gowns for different celebrities, wealthy and famous personalities, but she could tell that this would be one of her finest works.

"You also look stunning. You are a perfect maid of honor." Dani checked out her friend, who also tried out the dress she was going to wear.