Dodging the bullet

Instead of being alarmed, Alex was relieved after hearing Ethan ask about the file. It was a perfect opportunity for him to question Ethan about the evidence he had obtained.

"I have it in my possession and safekeeping." Alex divulged to him. "I also had gone through it." He admitted as he watched Ethan's reaction to what he said.

He had kept the file in a secure place, making sure it was safe from spies and prying eyes. It would be a scandalous problem if words got about the contents of those documents.

"So, you have seen it." Ethan shook his head as if it was not such a big deal. He smiled at Alex without any signs of distress. "So, what do you think?"

Ethan leaned back and rested both of his arms on the side of the armchair. He sat comfortably on his chair, observing his apprentice. He wondered what he would do with this kind of situation.