Very independent woman

"Does it hurt?" He asked as he took an ice pack from the freezer to apply to the already darkened bruises. He could tell that Nick had forced himself at her and gripped her tightly on her arms.

He swore he would have killed the man if the security had not stopped him. He never felt this kind of rage before, not even when he discovered that Tyra had betrayed him for his cousin.

He could not fathom what he would do if any harm befell Dani because he failed to protect her. He knew that Dani had become his life, and he would not know how to survive without her.

"Not much. Don't worry. It is nothing I can't handle." Dani assured him, already guessing what was going through his mind.

She could see the mixed anger and confusion that ran in his mind as his eyes mirrored what he was feeling. Alex was a man who was always in control. He never allowed his emotions to get the best of him.