No dull moments

He did go to her apartment with a mission. But recent events had slightly sidetracked him from accomplishing it. Now, he was back on track and planned to face the issue head-on.

"Yes, as Jacky worded it. I came to gravel at your feet." He might as well admit it without sugarcoating and beating around the bush.

He believed it was the right thing to do. He knelt before his fiance while placing his hands on top of hers. "I wish to beg for your forgiveness for what happened yesterday. You are right. I should have considered your feelings."

"I…" She was about to ask him that there was no need for him to apologize. She was as much to blame for their misunderstanding. She should be the one going down on her knees and saying sorry, but he stopped her.

She still believed that she could be responsible for herself. Although the way she handled the situation yesterday was wrong, she could have done better.