Pursue a hopeless case

"What happened to you? Jacky said that you were in a sort of accident. Are you sure you are ok?" Gerald fired away his questions as he showed a bit of concern when he walked into her office.

He had wondered why she did not show up in their deposition this morning. Jacky was a bit vagued in her explanation for her absence. But he did not push for more, hearing that no harm happened to her in the incident.

"It was nothing. I don't want to bore you with the details." She reasoned as she stood from her chair to welcome him to her office. 

She offered him a seat on the available chair while she returned to her own.

"Whatever happened, I am sure that it might have been important. But I won't push you if you don't feel like sharing it." He would eventually find out about it, whether it came from her or some other source.