Friendly hug

"Ah!" She whimpered as she opened her eyes. At first, she was confused but then eventually realized what was happening.

She woke up in the middle of the night, covered in sweat. She just had a bad dream. It had been a while since she last had a disturbing vision. It seemed so realistic that she almost believed it.

She quickly searched the dim room for confirmation that she was only dreaming. When her eyes landed on the figure next to her, sleeping peacefully, she knew that none of what she saw was true.

"Alex." She tried to call his name, but he was in a deep slumber that he did not even stir. 

She stared at him with his eyes closed tight. She wondered if he was dreaming at the very moment. She did witness him toss and turn on his sleep, mumbling some incoherent words before.

Unlike her, he did not shout or wake up at all. He just continued to do so until he calmed down eventually after a few minutes and went back to deep slumber.