Awful danger

A few hours earlier, Jacky had waited for her friend at the restaurant with the rest of their friends. She was beginning to get frantic when she was late again for their lunch date.

Dani promised she would come on time. But yet again, she was nowhere to be found, and the clock was ticking. Jacky had no choice but to entertain their friends while they all waited. 

When she asked about her whereabouts, she was vagued. She even accused her of going back to the office to work instead of prioritizing her schedule with them.

She could hear her voice ringing her head with their last conversation before the tragic accident. "Promise." That was the last word she heard from her before she hung up on her. 

She suddenly felt guilty, blaming herself for what happened to her friend. If she did not keep nagging at her that she was late, and then her friend would not have hurried and had an accident.