The debts

She arrived at the office with people looking at her funnily, treating her as if she was made of glass. She had an accident. It did not mean they should treat her like she would break any second.

"Hey, guys. Thanks for all your concern. But I am fine." She shouted for everyone to hear her message, including Alex.

She was glad when she and Alex were finally in the confine of the elevator on the way up to her office. She could not stand another stare of pity in their eyes.

It was an accident, and she survived. That was the end of that story. She just wanted to move on, but going back to her regular work was not an option anymore.

"Ok, Dani. I get the picture." Alex expressed, sporting a wide grin on his lips, wrapping his arms around her waist as he kissed her neck. He knew that Dani intentionally said that also for his benefit.