Beacon of light

Ethan watched as the door of his office closed. He opened the folder and scanned its contents. One by one, he scrutinized each page, examining the detailed report.

"Care to share with me what you have learned." Laura walked back into the room, unable to stay far away. It was their daughter's life that was at stake. 

She could not sit still and not know what was happening. Her packing could wait for later. Her mind would not rest until she heard from her husband that he had found the culprit. 

"Why don't you sit down?" He gestured for the chair near him. He had no plan on hiding anything from her. 

She had every right to know every detail of this situation, same as him. He had no monopoly of their daughter's life, so she should be part of the decision-making.

"That bad." She followed his gesture and settled comfortably in the seat. She could already tell from the sound of his voice that it would be something hard to hear.