Different did not mean not good

"Lastly, I don't care about the politics, tradition, culture, money, power, and all the things that you might think I wanted from this marriage. All I care about is how we both feel for each other." She finished her statement just in time for them to stop in front of one of the largest castles she had ever seen in her entire life. She had been to some in her trips, but this one was spectacular in its grandeur.

Most of what she had seen before had been renovated to adapt to modern times. But this one, although she could see some adjustment in some places, still maintained its past structure and architectural elegance.

The door to the car was immediately opened. She was ushered inside the palace that was well guarded at every corner. The older woman accompanying her had kept her mouth shut after that. Only speaking if necessary.

"We have to wait here until the king is ready to see you." Her chaperone stopped her in one of the rooms, a waiting area for the guests.