The secrecy behind the secret chambers

The Grand Palace was buzzing with activity. All the Council members were summoned to an emergency session called by the Council head, Duke Frederick. King Edward was also invited to attend the assembly.

But the royal staff were clueless about the reason for the urgency. After all, the wedding ceremony had just been concluded. The organizers and the staff were not even finished clearing all the remnants of the celebration.

"Prince Edward, I think you should see this." His personal assistant, with a confused expression, rushed inside his office. He only stopped when he was at his side.

He handed the papers he had printed for his perusal. He watched his boss check the document with a blank expression at first. It would show him some figures he had discovered in his personal account.

When his eyes reached the questionable data, his eyebrows raised in inquiry. It would seem that the prince also had no idea of the source of the mysterious transaction.