Lived for the hunt and the kill

It was late, but the team still worked on finding the couple. Searching every possible place that Nick might have taken them.

But they were not discounting the possibility of other entities making a play in this.

"Do we have any leads yet?" Ethan asked when Marcus walked through his doors. 

He had decided to transform his office at home as a headquarters for their own operation. Although they coordinated with the authorities, he still wanted his own investigation.

He still believed that he still had on his payroll the best in the business. Sooner or later, something would come up. They would catch the person responsible and save his daughter and her husband.

"Not concrete yet. Some evidence pointed to a mafia gang, but our team believed they were just a decoy to mislead the investigators." Marcus frustratedly said as he ran his hand through his hair and expelled a volume of air out of his lungs.