Through the grapevine

He woke up, unable to open his eyes wide, with a slight headache and an aching back. He stretched his arms only to realize that he had fallen asleep on the couch.

He looked at the source of the noise that had woken him up and saw his phone buzzing. It was his alarm notifying him of an early meeting.

  "Uhmmm." He sighed as his body still refused to cooperate with him. He could not blame him. He was indeed very exhausted.

He shook his head to clear his mind of the sleep and finally remembered what happened last night. He looked around, but he was alone in the room.

He began to wonder if it was just a dream, tapping his cheek to assure himself that he was wide awake. But when he inspected the room from his point of view, he did not see any sign of her.

"Jacky." He called as he stood, twisting his body from left to right, even his neck, down to his shoulders, to get rid of the stiffness of his muscles.