No mercy

He checked the seconds on his watch ticked by as he waited for his men to go give them the go signal to roll out. But his man was taking his sweet time in investigating the movement outside.

"Hurry up." The leader said impatiently on his mouthpiece. They were squandering valuable time just by standing inside the corner of the building when they should be moving to their next target.

Although, he also understood that the safety of his men was also invaluable in their mission. Still, he could not waste time since it was the only commodity they lacked. Every second counted in a situation like this.

"Wait." The man again said. He adjusted his night vision to get a good glimpse of the shadows hidden behind the darkness. 

He was not letting his team move out without confirmation of who the man was and how many men he was with. Their opponents might be carrying heavy artillery that could put their teammates in jeopardy.