No one else to blame but fate

"Jacob!" Cassie jumped out of the couch as soon as Jacob entered her apartment, excited to share about the latest development.

She had not seen him since his last visit. She had been looking forward to this day. Since he left, he suggested laying low for a while. He did not want them to be caught by his brother.

Although he did call a few times, it was usually brief. He said he was stuck on several on-call duties since then and assisted in several back-to-back surgeries.

"Hi, Cassie!" He greeted her as soon as he saw her. "I am sorry if I was not able to visit sooner." He locked the door behind him before proceeding inside the room.

He was swamped with work since he last saw her. It had been difficult for him to squeeze her in between his obligations in the hospital. He usually passed out on his bed by the time he went home, too tired to do anything else.