The key symbolized the future

She could only assume that their destination had something to do with the key. Her eyes wandered on the lighted street, checking if she could guess the direction they were taking.

It was not yet that late. The pedestrian was still packed with people walking in different paths. Probably some were on their way home, while the others might still have personal business to attend to.

"When will you ever stop surprising me?" Dani asked the man beside him, still feeling so lucky to have a husband as great as him.

She might not be looking at him as her eyes continued to scan the street outside. But she could feel his eyes boring into her. She could feel his soft breath on the top of her head.

Her heart steadily beat together with his as she leaned closer to his body. She never felt calmer than when she was with him. She never felt more at peace, knowing that they were now one.