Trip for the weekend

She slowly opened her eyes, squinting her eyelids for a bit from the sunshine glowing from her window. She did not want to wake up yet, sensing that it was still too early, despite the radiating sun already high up in the sky outside.

She was never a morning person, especially when it was a weekend. She would prefer to stay all morning in bed if she had the choice. But her bladder just would not cooperate this time.

"What the heck?" She gasped in shock, her ears picking up a slight sound coming from the other room. 

Her eyes widened, suddenly fully awake, when she finally noticed a commotion inside her bathroom. She quickly stood up from her bed, scanning the rest of the room for any intruder.

Fortunately, she did not see anyone else. But the faint noise still persisted. She grabbed her robe at the foot of her bed and grabbed the nearest object she could get her hands on as her eyes focused on the source of the unusual noise.