Clear sailing from here on out

"Don't make a sudden sound," Alex warned her again, seeing the excitement in her eyes. She could hardly hold the pole correctly as her hands trembled on the handle.

Even he felt the rush of catching their first fish for the day. It did not matter if she was the one who was able to capture it as long as it would become dinner tonight.

"Oh, my!" She finally shrilled when the hooked almost slipped from her grasp. "I think I need some help."

She quickly held it tightly as she fought the fish from escaping. She pulled on the pole, hoping that the fish would finally surrender to her.

"Just keep it steady and slowly reel it in." He instructed as he slowly stood up from his position and moved towards her.

Instead of holding the fishing pole, he just watched and guided her on what she should do. Slowly, she fought the fish and reeled it in until it finally gave up and floated in the air.