Happy birthday, my love!

"I could not wait to see what Haley had done so far with the place." She excitedly rubbed her hands together, feeling the nerve of anxiousness tingle her spine.

She moved around their bedroom, trying to pick a cloth that she could wear to the construction site. But nothing seemed suitable for the occasion.

"I am sure that it would be something great," Alex answered her, watching her pace around the room, moving without accomplishing anything. 

She admitted she could not decide on the dress as she threw one dress after another on the foot of the bed. But she did not want to be late and keep Haley and the other guests waiting.

"Don't you have any plan to get out of that bed?" She moved before him, placing her hands on both sides of her waist.

Her eyes focused on him, tapping her feet on the floor as if waiting for him to move. Instead of sliding off the bed, her husband shifted to his side with one hand supporting his head.