It was a match

She had been looking for her parents because she and Alex had decided to consult them about their current situation. As a family, she did not want to exclude them in giving them their opinion on the matter.

They had already heard what Alex's parents thought of the issue. She wished to know what her parents would have to say, too.

She learned that they went into the private room with another guest. She wondered who could be the new guest and what they would be discussing in privacy.

With Alex following behind, they proceeded into the room, entering without waiting for an invitation. She was surprised to see who her parents were entertaining inside the room.

"Because that is what being part of this family is all about. Whether you want it, accept it, or not, you will always be a part of this family." Laura spoke up, looking at the guest in the room, unaware that she had walked in and heard what she said.