A zebra could change its stripes

She sat on the gurney of the tiny cubicle where the nurse had asked them to wait. "You know you are overreacting, Alex." She protested as he drove her to the emergency room to have her checked. 

Her eyes roamed at the familiar place, not finding being in it comforting. Although she had nothing against a hospital, she still preferred to stay away. She was ok. She did not need a doctor to examine her. 

His eyes searched her face before responding to her. "Can you blame me? You should have seen yourself earlier. I still want a doctor to check on you." His voice carried no room for argument.

But stubborn as she was, she could not help herself. "It was probably the wine from last night or maybe something she ate. And the exhaustion that got to me." She continued to reason out.

She was sure it was nothing serious, although she still felt slightly dizzy and queasy. But she still did not believe it should merit a trip to the doctor.