An uphill battle

"Oh my!" It was terrible. Her heart broke for her friend upon hearing what happened.

She forced Alex last night to take her to the hospital to check on her friend as soon as they had received the awful news. She wanted to be there for Jacky, just like her friend had always been there when she needed to cry on her friend's shoulder.

But Jacky was sedated after the miscarriage. Her doctor had advised her to go home and rest before returning in the morning. Now, she was back, but her friend was awake, but she would not see her. 

"How is she doing?" Dani quickly stood from her seat in the waiting room. She wanted to see her bestfriend, but she declined to have any visitors. The only person she allowed in her room was her husband and no one else.

Jacky had barricaded herself in her room, refusing anyone who would like to see her. She could understand that her friend was depressed after what she had gone through.