Back to square one

"Do we have to go?" Jacky could not believe how time flew by in an instant. 

She watched her husband move around the room, wide awake and ready to pack their things. He told her that it was time to go home. Was she prepared to return to reality and face the truth?

Honestly, given another choice, she would like to linger for a few more days. Who was she kidding? She wanted to stay forever. But all good things must come to an end. 

The vacation was over. It was time to face the music. 

Marcus sat beside her on the bed, trying to comfort her, placing his hand on the side of her cheek, gently caressing her like she was porcelain that could easily break. He did not have to say anything, but she understood.

"I wish we do not have to." She stated what Marcus might say, knowing that he did not want to break her heart, but he also had no choice.