Carrying a secret

So far, so good. 

Nobody yet had recognized her. Who would think she was a famous star in this plain clothing with no make-up and messy hair? Definitely, not her fans. 

And hopefully, not the paparazzi. The last thing she needed was them following her around with their nosy cameras. 

Serena walked on the pavement of the busy downtown among the buzzing crowd. She wondered if this city ever became dull as she looked from left and right where people came and gone.

Luckily, she remembered to bring in some cash as she felt her stomach grumble, demanding replenishment. From the corner of her eye, she saw a line in a hotdog stand. 

They said one had not lived in this town unless one had tried their famous street food stands.

"One, please." She ordered, remembering loving them when she was young. "Put everything on." She added, handing her payment to the vendor.