Nothing but mere trash

People were gazing at her as she crossed the entry of the fancy building she was staying. Then, the man in the lobby stopped her and her companion before they could cross towards the elevators.

"Where are you two going?" The man in a black uniform with an earpiece sticking in his ears held his arms to block their path. "This is a private place for special guests only."

She suddenly realized that none of them must have recognized her with the clothes she wore and the hat and glasses on her face. Of course, the boy could never pass as one of their guests with his stained and faded clothes.

"I am going to my room." She told him as she rummaged in her pocket for her keycard, showing it to him once she found it.

That should be enough to allow them entry since she had proof of staying on the premises. However, the man only sneered at her, glancing at her from head to toe. She could tell he did not believe a word she said.