The dam finally broke loose 

As he walked on those long white hallways, the only thing that passed through his mind at that moment was his urgent need to see her. He could not wait to hold her in his arms.

He barely noticed anything else as he passed through the different people in their uniforms, heard the assorted chatters and noises around him, and smelled that distinct arid odor of a disinfectant.

His focus was getting to her as fast as his companion would take him. He followed Roseann to the elevator and the hallways until they finally stopped at a room.

"We are not yet clear to enter her room," Roseann told him, stopping him from going further.

He could easily see through the small space inside the room since glass made up the door and the walls. Despite his wish, he could only look at the woman he loved as she lay on the bed, still unconscious.